A wide range of recognised skills, from very small businesses to large international groups.

Tailor-made support for each project.

Expertise in the field of data measurement and analysis

Educational tools to better understand the world around us

Who are we?

A know-how for more than
for over 30 years!

The CRITT Sport Loisirs (Regional Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer) has more than 30 years of experience in the field of technology transfer in sport and leisure. This innovation structure, which has This innovation structure, which has been able to develop according to its own evolution and the needs of the market, offers a multiple and varied range of services.

A one-stop shop

The CRITT Sport Loisirs offers tailor-made services


The CRITT Sport Loisirs supports all entities with its advice and technical expertise in all innovation projects.


The CRITT Sport Loisirds has been recognised for the quality of its services, its skills and its impartiality.


Through its many partnerships, the CRITT Sport Loisirs pools essential skills in the development of innovative projects.

A wide and varied range of services

For better identification, three areas of expertise in testing have been defined according to the sectors of activity concerned.

Dedicated to PPE for the world of sport

A centre dedicated to PPE for the industrial world

A centre dedicated to PPE for the motorbike world

The secret of success


Availability of all its technical skills to assess all your projects

reduced deadlines

Market constraints often require short lead times


Accredited by COFRAC under the number 1-1570 on the basis of the NF EN ISO/CEI 17025 standard for all PPE conformity assessment procedures

competitive prices

In order to remain competitive, the CRITT endeavours to define a price that is perfectly in line with the service


Some pictures of our laboratories and test equipment

Newsletter subscription

Our team

The CRITT Sport Loisirs team is composed of permanent staff,
mainly engineers and technicians


Director General

The latest news

CRITT Sport Loisirs, renowned for its expertise in the field of sports and leisure, has recently embarked on a new initiative aimed at enhancing safety and performance in aquatic activities. As part of this approach, the organization is embarking on a series of rigorous tests on surface wetsuits as well as diving suits...
It is with great sadness that we learned last week of the death of Mr. Alain JUNQUA. Mr. JUNQUA, an emblematic figure in the university and sports world of Poitiers, created the CRITT Sport Loisirs in 1988 with Agathon LEPEVE, which today has some forty employees. [...]
Eye protectors for racquet sports now have their own standard. We can now carry out all the tests in the standard.

contact information

Contact us via the attached form
or by any other means

Postal address

ZA du Sanital - 21 rue Albert Einstein



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